The project
The existing analog 13.5 m EBU earth station was completely refurbished and upgraded for digital communication. The importand antenna parts (e.g. feed) were cleaned, wave guides replace be new ones to get a good antenna performance.
Nearly all equipment had to be replaced by new equipment for digital communication.
The contract comprised the delivery, installation and test of
- Encoding Subsystem with 3 Encoders DVB MPEG2
- Modulator & Upconverter Subsystem with 3 x DVB Modulator incl L-Band Upconverter
- HPA & Waveguide Switching System with two 125W Ku-Band Rack Mount SSPA
- Dual 1:1 redundant LNA System with TX Reject Filters 75°K LNA System 1:1
- Block down converter System
- 4 x DVB Integrated Receiver Decoders
- 6 x HILTRON Controllers HCS3 for monitoring and control a part of the equipment
- A/V Router and Multi-Image Display Processor and 42” Plasma Display
Furthermore the antenna control was completely refurbish by a
- new Steptrack Antenna Control Unit
- new Beaconreceiver
- new Hiltron Outdoor Motor Control Unit KDS
The monitoring & control system consit of a Visionic client server solution including a RUP assistant program for a quick and convenient operation of the station.
Professional counseling and problem solving
Our customers can rely on our profound knowledge of the various products available on the market.
We expressly invite you to contact us if you have technical questions or if you require consultancy for a proper equipment selection.
Contact us at info@hiltron.de or +49-7191-343570 to hear more